
Business of Month for February in Westland

Men on the Move is proud to announce that we have been selected as Business of the Month Michigan Mover Gary Bulsonfor the month of February by State Representative Robert Kosowski. State Representative Kosowski is elect of District 16 (Westland). He said that our owner “Gary Bulson is well deserving of our monthly award and is always helping out the community.”

We are thrilled to receive this honor. Also, we will continue to put our best effort forward to serve Westland and our new community in Livonia. This also would not be possible without the help of the Men on the Move employees. Most of our employees have been around for years standing right by Gary Bulson serving the community.

Business of Month

Men on The Move will also like to thank the Westland Chamber of Commerce for congratulating Men on The Move on their Facebook page and sharing these kind words, ” Gary somehow finds time to serve on our Board of Directors, the Wayne/Westland Salvation Army Advisory board, is active with the Westland and Michigan Jaycees and a member of the Westland Rotary Club. A big guy with a big heart!!”

Thank you for your recognition Representative Robert Kosowski and we will look forward to serving the communities of Westland and Livonia for years to come. Finally, request a quote today and see why Men on the Move is the business of the month!

P.S. Men on the Move has finished moving to Livonia. Our new address is 12400 Merriman Rd. Livonia, Mi 48150. Come visit us!