
Deciding What to Keep When Moving

Deciding What to Keep When Moving

Figuring out what to keep and what to throw away, give away, or donate when preparing your move can be a pain. You have to decide which items mean more to you than others and which really are useless to you and your family. The moving process can be stressful but it doesn’t have to be.

First and foremost, breathe. It is much easier to move when you’re relaxed which tends to help the moving process go by faster. While going through your things, make a “to go” and a “to stay” pile. By organizing your items, you will be able to see which items you would like to keep for your new home and which items you are less interested in now.

Before finalizing your decision, look over the items you’ve decided to keep one last time. Ask yourself “Was it worth a long of money?” “Did it take me a while to finally get it?” If your answers are yes, then these are the types of items you should keep. Of course, you should never throw away memorable items such as a photo album or a videotape of your baby’s first steps, but if there are some items you haven’t looked at or touched within the past five years why hold on to them?

What To Keep When Moving

Moving to a new home is like turning over a new leaf. The only way to move forward is if you leave the unnecessary things behind.

Remember, when going through your valuables, ask yourself “Do I really need this?” If your answer is no, throw it out or give it away. If you ever need help with moving from one place to another, Men on the Move is here to help. We can assure you that your moving process will be easy. Give us a call today at any one of our locations. We look forward to being assistance to you!